Custom Wine Cellar Design, Installations & A Fine Wine Ecosystem: Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Napa…

Custom Wine Cellar
Innovating an Artform • Elevating What a Wine Cellar Can Be • Using Wine Cellars as our Artistic Medium.
Paul LaRussa, President, Premier Cru, Inc.
The Fine Wine Experience is evolving in ways today that blend Custom Wine Cellars with Design, Art, Fascination and World Class Accessories like Hand-blown, lead-free stemware made in a 200 year old German glass factory as part of Premier Cru Collection “Essence of the Fine Wine Experience…”
Not every wine cellar is so opulent though, with some to be very traditional in terms of their purpose, design, style, logistics and ergonomics. These more traditional wine cellars speak to an earlier era of the fine wine experience when the legendary greats ruled the main focus of wine collections, such as France, Italy, Spain, Portugal; old world wines. Later, came Australia, Napa, South Africa and there are some South Americans, too. So, wine cellars take-on and reveal a personality not only by the way the wine cellar is designed and stylized, but also, what the collection comprises…
What does your wine cellar reveal about you? Do you engage-in and are enticed by the nuevo riche of Los Robles and Napa Sonoma blending trials or are you set in your ways with the majority of your wine in with the Greats?
Feel free to chime in and comment on this blog about how and what your wine cellar reveals about you!
Paul LaRussa, President
Premier Cru, Inc. (A Fine Wine Ecosystem)