Designer, Artist, Wine Connoisseur…

Paul LaRussa,
Founder & Chief Designer of Premier Cru Wine CellarsA Note From Our Founder
Thank you for stopping by our website and fine-wine accessory boutique. If you love fine wine, great design and wish to surround yourself with meaningful and beautiful treasures, then you’ve come to the right place. Thoughtful and artistic design feels good to the eye, we enjoy it, we live with it and we strive to reward ourselves with these special and most beautiful compliments; for a lifestyle well-deserved and a passion fulfilled. Premier Cru Wine Cellars follows a discipline of pleasing the eye by staying true to our sense of style and design; building beautiful forms of art in the context of custom wine cellars and the elegant handcrafted selections offered to you in Premier Cru Collection.
In The Beginning:
My journey began in the construction industry in 1978, spending over 29 years in a family owned-and-operated construction business. During the last two years of that business I began to think about the next leg of my journey. knowing that, once the decision was made, I would put 100% of all of my energy, effort and resources into this new vision which would later become Premier Cru Wine Cellars. With my broad and longstanding construction career, in addition to a high level of integrity, credibility and trust I had garnered during my tenure, I decided that I would make a new beginning in the fine wine industry. I wanted to create something that addressed my passion and love for fine wine, but also that was rooted in the construction industry where I could graft all of the goodwill and relationships I had earned during my previous construction career.
In October 2006 I began Premier Cru Wine Cellars, incorporated in February 2007 as Premier Cru, Inc. and later in 2012 introduced Premier Cru Collection, launching the only world class fine wine accessory brand delivering only handmade pieces that are artistic, beautiful and wine related; a brand innovation. Since introducing Premier Cru Wine Cellars, artistic talents flourished and have been refined to a point where fluid, comprehensive and a valid artistic vision is realized upon seeing each new space. My clients, however, deserve much of the credit for our artistic success due to their appetite for something avant-garde in valid-artistry, allowing Premier Cru Wine Cellars to fulfill a vision for their wine cellar. And, finally… Please, browse through our Online Boutique and pick-out something for a loved-one, good friend or associate, or simply come-up with a reason to spoil yourself – I’m sure you deserve it! And, Thank You Very Much, for taking the time to learn about Premier Cru Wine Cellars and enjoy the rest of your visit. Cheers!
“Fine wine is a necessity of life for me.”
has been a very popular quote by Thomas Jefferson which actually had been erroneously paraphrased. And, having found the true origin of this sentiment, I would like to share it with you now. The following is the Actual Text from a Letter “the actual letter” Written to Thomas Appleton by Thomas Jefferson on January 14, 1816:
“…Perhaps I may trouble you annually to about the same amount, this being a very favorite wine, and habit having rendered the light and high flavored wines a necessary of life with me. I salute you with assurances of my constant esteem & respect.”
Th: Jefferson